Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

WikiNotes for Android: Routing Intents

In the last article, we talked about using Linkify to turn wiki words (those that match a regular expression we defined) into a content: URI and defining a path to data that matched a note belonging to that wiki word. As an example, a matching word like ToDoList would be turned into a content: URI like content://com.google.android.wikinotes.db.wikinotes/wikinotes/ToDoList and then acted upon using the VIEW action from the Linkify class.This article...

Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Linkify your Text!

This is the first in a series of technical articles about WikiNotes for Android, part of the Apps for Android project.This article covers the use of Linkify to turn ordinary text views into richer link-oriented content that causes Android intents to fire when a link is selected.Linkify: The Linkify class in the SDK is perfect for creating a wiki note pad. This class lets you specify a regular expression...

Selasa, 11 Maret 2008

Android Developer Challenge Deadline Approaching Quickly

The Android Developer Challenge is proceeding nicely. We're excited about the interest people have shown so far and have enjoyed talking to everyone working on new Android Apps.As a quick reminder, the first phase of the challenge will be ending on April 14. In the Android Developer Challenge I, the 50 most promising entries received by April 14 will each receive a $25,000 award to fund further development. Those selected will then be eligible for...

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

Announcing: Apps for Android

We are pleased to announce that a new open source project has been created on Google code hosting called apps-for-android. Our goal is to share some sample applications that demonstrate different aspects of the Android platform.The first application to be included in the new project is called WikiNotes for Android.For anyone not familiar with the concept of a wiki, it is a simple way to link up pages...

Senin, 03 Maret 2008

Android SDK update: m5-rc15 released

Earlier today we released an update to the Android SDK – we're calling it m5-rc15. With this update, the SDK now includes all of the incremental changes we've been making to the online documentation since m5-rc14 was released in mid-February. In addition to the latest documentation, we've also fixed a security issue involving handling of image files.We recommend that you install m5-rc15 at your earliest convenience. The update doesn't change any...

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