We are pleased to announce that a new open source sample application—called AndroidGlobalTime — has been added to the apps-for-android project. It's a 3D world clock developed by an engineer at Google and may serve as an illustrative example of how to use the OpenGL ES APIs in your Android applications. Just a quick word on how to use AndroidGlobalTime. When you launch it, you'll see a spinning...
Senin, 19 Mei 2008
Rabu, 14 Mei 2008
Android Developer Challenge Judges and Top 50 Details
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It's been a busy few weeks here as we've wrapped up the first round of the Android Developer Challenge. We'd like to share a couple pieces of information with you: The full list of judges is now available. It was fun to work with such a diverse group of judges from different companies all around the world. A slide deck of the Android Developer Challenge prize recipients is also available. The deck includes descriptions and screenshots of the 46 recipients...
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
A Challenge in More than One Way
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Well, the submission deadline for the first Android Developer Challenge has come and gone, the apps are in, the judges are finished, and the waiting is over. We got a lot of great submissions, and I can tell you personally that the competition was fierce. I didn't see all 1,788 submissions, but I saw quite a lot of them, and I uttered more than one wail of despair as some of my favorite submissions didn't quite make the cut, by razor-thin margins...
Senin, 12 Mei 2008
The Top 50 Applications
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As you may have heard, the results from Android Developer Challenge Part 1, Round 1 were announced to all the participants late last week. We're still working on pulling together a more extensive listing for each application that made it into the top 50, but in the spirit of releasing early and often, here's a list containing the name of the application and its author(s):AndroidScan - Jeffrey SharkeyBeetaun - Sergey Gritsyuk and Dmitri ShipilovBioWallet...
Jumat, 09 Mei 2008
Android Developer Challenge: Round I Results are In
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The last few weeks were both extremely intense and rewarding. Based on feedback from the judges, it was apparent that large number of applications were compelling, innovative and well implemented. The quality of these entries clearly reflects the creativity and hard work that developers have invested in building their apps. In addition to developers' participation and contributions, over 100 industry judges around the world spent weeks reviewing...
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